
  • Natalia Zabolotna Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Vladyslava Sholota Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine



system, two-wave laser diagnostics, mammary glands, azimuth and ellipticity of polarization, blood plasma films, models of fuzzy logic


Well-known systems and methods of polarization mapping of blood plasma films make it possible to record tumor changes in the mammary glands at the stages of preclinical development, which are not characteristic of other diagnostic technologies. This happens due to the high sensitivity of the polarization parameters of the object field to changes in the anisotropic structure of blood plasma proteins that occur in the early stages of the disease. However, measurements at only one wavelength of laser radiation limit the potential possibilities of laser polarimetry methods to increase the reliability of mammary gland diagnostics. At the same time, the current level of information technology development creates all the possibilities for the application of intellectual analysis and the introduction of decision-making support methods into such systems. The material of the article is devoted to the improvement of the method of mapping azimuths and ellipticities of polarization images of blood plasma films in the mammary gland diagnostic system by means of measurement and analysis at two wavelengths of 0.638 μm and 0.405 μm. The improved architecture of the system of two-wave laser diagnostics of mammary glands and the structure of the algorithmic software, into which a decision support subsystem is introduced, are given. An experimental study of two groups of blood plasma film samples taken from healthy women (group 1 - 35 samples) and from women with breast cancer (group 2 - 35 samples) was conducted. Statistical estimates of coordinate distributions and autocorrelation functions of azimuths and ellipticities of polarization of blood plasma films taken from women of group 1 and group 2 were determined at two wavelengths. Among them, the most sensitive to changes in the physiological state of the mammary glands were chosen as informative signs. Fuzzy models of decision rules have been developed based on established informative features at two wavelengths. The reliability of the two-wave method of diagnosing pathological conditions of the mammary glands in the improved system was evaluated. In comparison with analogs, an increase in the reliability of diagnosis was achieved by 4% and 3%, respectively.

Author Biographies

Natalia Zabolotna , Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

D.Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Opto-Electronic Systems, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Vladyslava Sholota , Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

assistant professor of computer sciences, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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Biological and medical devices and systems



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