antialiasing, anti-aliasing, marginal antialiasing, color intensity, hyperbola, step trajectory, evaluation functionAbstract
At the present stage of development of computer graphics, special attention is paid to improving the realism of synthesized images. One of the factors that significantly affects the realism of the image is the aliasing effect, which is caused by insufficient resolution of display devices and manifests itself in the form of pronounced "teeth" on the edges of graphics. Peculiarities of step increments formation for different areas of hyperbole trajectory formation are considered. Recurrent expressions are obtained to calculate the estimating function, the sign of which determines the type of elementary displacement. An algorithm for determining the coordinates of the points of the hyperbola trajectory is proposed. The proposed algorithm does not contain "long" operations, which ensures its high speed and ease of hardware implementation. Peculiarities of hyperbole trajectory formation with cracking of intensities of background and foreground points are considered. The developed method can be used in systems of highly realistic computer graphics, computer-aided design systems.
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