NoSQL databases, database modeling, big data schemes, document storage databasesAbstract
The article describes data warehouses implementation peculiarities and their limitations, as well as describing the sequence of data presentation in an abstract subject area, which allows us to propose some alternative approach to the organization of data warehouses, focused on containers usage. This approach combines the advantages of relational databases with their ability to ensure data consistency at any point in time, as well as features of unstructured data storage, typical of NoSQL systems in general. Also, the article proposes ways to solve the problem of synthesis of allophone database management system for organization of interaction between AC ACS operator and ACM. The method is based on a number of rules that allow to build a scheme of unstructured data, to organize the interaction of the NoSQL database with existing relational solutions, which is based on the provisions of the category theory. The developed rules provide the possibility of physical and logical modeling of NoSQL databases. Cardinality standards for NoSQL database modeling have also been developed and a classification has been introduced to prioritize classes and guidelines for NoSQL modeling. The verification of the proposed solutions was carried out by modeling and comparing the obtained results with theoretical positions. The SO-model was developed and its properties were substantiated. A feature of the SO-model is that each object has its own global unique identifier UunqID, which allows you to store objects of the same type on different computers, thereby increasing the scalability of the data store. Obtained results indicate a significant improvement of the data scheme of unstructured and poorly structured databases. The proposed model of data storage, due to its property of unifying the structure, which takes into account the dynamics of data and their connections, can be developed in various directions using NoSQL solutions.
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