
  • Anatoly Kulyk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
  • Viktor Revenok National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia
  • Yaroslav Кulyk Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Nikolskyy National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya



simulators, simulator programs, medical education, biological physics, medical physics


The article discusses the importance of simulation education, which helps medical students acquire real-world experience and skills necessary for further professional development. The relevance of modern simulation education for the practical training of medical specialists is noted not only in senior, but also in junior courses. Along with traditional simulators for medical practice: phantoms, dummies, anatomical models, simulators, and others, the article pays special attention to computer simulators during practical and laboratory classes. Developed and used in the educational process in both on-line and off-line versions of seven simulator programs for laboratory work of varying complexity from the discipline "Medical and Biological Physics". The article, as an example, presents a simulator program for laboratory work "Study of liquid viscosity". First, students are invited to study the theoretical material on methods of measuring the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of a liquid, as well as to familiarize themselves with the design and principle of operation of the Ostwald viscometer. Next, the simulator implements the necessary tasks in accordance with the order of work specified in the methodical instructions. The simulator program records the results of the experiments in a table and the students take them for further processing. An analysis of the options for forming the results of the experiment using a simulator program versus measuring the values of these results directly on the computer screen was carried out. It is noted that due to the high probability of falsification or use of the results obtained by other students, the formation of the results of the experiment by the program is a more acceptable option. In addition, the result of experimental data processing in this case can be checked by a simulator program and evaluated accordingly. A technique for determining the range of the random number generator is proposed for the purpose of forming individual results of the experiment by a simulator program based on the calculation of the confidence interval. It has been proven that the minimum and maximum values for the random number generator should be chosen from confidence intervals, the probability of which is higher than 0.95.

Author Biographies

Anatoly Kulyk , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Doctor  of  Technical  Sciences,  Professor,  Professor  of  the  Department of Automation and Intelligent Information Technology, Vinnytsia National Technical University, head of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and medical equipment, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Viktor Revenok , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and medical equipment, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Yaroslav Кulyk , Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of of Automation and Intelligent Information Technologies, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Oleksandr Nikolskyy , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and medical equipment, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University


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A.Y. Kulik, N.S. Nazarenko, P.P. Kovalchuk, V.I. Revenok, K.V. Dobrovolskaya Laboratory workshop on medical and biological physics, Vinnytsya: VNMU the name of M. I. Pyrogova, 2019, 146 p.

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Interactive Simulations for Science and Math. [Online]. Available: Accessed on: February 17, 2024.

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Lisbeth Elvira de Vries, Michael May “Virtual laboratory simulation in the education of laboratory tech-nicians–motivation and study intensity”, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, Volume 47, Is-sue 3, pp. 213-362, 2019. doi:10.1002/bmb.21221.

A.Y. Kulik, N.S. Nazarenko, P.P. Kovalchuk, V.I. Revenok, K.V. Dobrovolskaya Laboratory workshop on medical and biological physics, Vinnytsya: VNMU the name of M. I. Pyrogova, 2019, 146 p.

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Kulyk A.Y., Revenok V.I., Kulyk Y.A., Nikolskyi O.I., Poberezhniak O.R., Dobrovolska K.V. Kompi-uterna prohrama «Vyvchennia viazkosti ridyny», svidotstvo pro reiestratsiiu avtorskoho prava na tvir 113407 Ukraina, 22.06.22 [in Ukrainian].

Kulyk A.Y., Revenok V.I., Kulyk Y.A., Nikolskyi O.I., Yakymchuk M.M., Dobrovolska K.V. Kompi-uterna prohrama «Vyvchennia zakonomirnostei hemodynamiky na fizychnii modeli», cvidotstvo pro reiestratsiiu avtorskoho prava na tvir 114579 Ukraina, 01.09.22 [in Ukrainian].

Kulyk A.Y., Revenok V.I., Kulyk Y.A., Nikolskyi O.I., Podolianyn V.I., Dobrovolska K.V. Kompiuterna prohrama «Doslidzhennia spektriv vyprominiuvannia z dopomohoiu spektroskopa», cvidotstvo pro reiestratsiiu avtorskoho prava na tvir 114580 Ukraina, 01.09.22 [in Ukrainian].

Kulyk A.Y., Revenok V.I., Kulyk Y.A., Nikolskyi O.I., Saletskyi O.V., Dobrovolska K.V. Kompiuterna prohrama «Vyvchennia poverkhnevoho natiahu ridyny», cvidotstvo pro reiestratsiiu avtorskoho prava na tvir 114578 Ukraina, 01.09.22 [in Ukrainian].

Kulyk A.Y., Nazarenko N.S., Revenok V.I., Dobrovolska K.V. Kompiuterna prohrama «Collection tasks and questions on medical and biological physics», cvidotstvo pro reiestratsiiu avtorskoho prava na tvir 117804 Ukraina, 04.04.23 [in Ukrainian].

John A. Rice Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Third Edition, Duxbury, an imprint of Thomson Brooks/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation, 2007, 685 p.

Seno P. S. Teoriia ymovirnostei ta matematychna statystyka : pidruchnyk, Kyiv : Znan-nia, 2007, 556 c [in Ukrainian].

Robert S. Witte, John S. Witte Statistics, 11th Edition, Wiley, 2017, 486 p.


Abstract views: 240



How to Cite

A. . Kulyk, V. . Revenok, Кulyk Y. ., and O. . Nikolskyy, “DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND USE OF SIMULATOR PROGRAMS FOR LABORATORY WORK IN MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS ”, ІТКІ, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 166–173, May 2024.



Biological and medical devices and systems



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