
  • Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Vasilevskyi Vinnitsia National Technical University, Vinnitsia



metrology 4.0, calibration concept, measurement uncertainty, traceability, Industry 4.0, smart sensors


The use of intelligent sensors, network technologies, the Internet of things, machine learning in Industry 4.0 is a mass phenomenon in the design and reconstruction of technological processes in industries. This raises new problems associated with the need to revise the basic principles of metrological support of production, such as calibration, estimation of measurement uncertainty, ensuring traceability, processing large amounts of data to reproduce and compare the results of measurements of physical quantities in remote mode. The traditional methods of calibrating measuring instruments with the introduction of Industry 4.0 become economically disadvantageous with the use of relatively inexpensive intelligent sensors, and the use of sophisticated network technologies along with machine learning lead to the harder methods of preliminary processing of measured values. In this regard, new approaches are proposed to solve the problem of remote calibration of measuring instruments used in Industry 4.0.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Vasilevskyi, Vinnitsia National Technical University, Vinnitsia

Doctor of Science (Eng.), professor, First vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work on the organization of the educational process and its scientific and methodological support of Vinnitsa National Technical University


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Abstract views: 383



How to Cite

O. M. Vasilevskyi, “THE CONCEPT OF METROLOGICAL EQUIPMENT IN INDUSTRY 4.0”, ІТКІ, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 37–44, Sep. 2020.



Information and Measurement Technologies and Systems



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