web services, API, nonrelevant information, outdated information, service-oriented architectureAbstract
The article considers an important scientific and applied task of developing a method for detecting irrelevant information, which is an important area of development and implementation of web-based information systems. The analysis of modern methods and means of evaluation of irrelevant and unreliable information in service-oriented corporate systems is carried out and the main problem areas that arise in the process of their functioning are identified. A method of filtering data based on metrics to assess the relevance of information has been developed. An example of the application of metrics for evaluating the results of using various services for the analysis of soil and groundwater quality. The main results of research presented in the article are: metrics for assessing the relevance of information obtained using services in corporate information systems; method of data filtering based on the metrics of assessing the relevance of information within the studied subject area. The peculiarity of the developed method is that it can be implemented as a software add-on to service-oriented information systems. The use of the proposed intelligent methods of data processing, which are obtained with the use of services, will increase the efficiency of analysis of irrelevant information and reduce the time to identify irrelevant sources of its provision.
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