Texturing is one of the most difficult stages of the final visualization process, as for each point of the surface the coordinates in the discrete space and the values of color intensity taking into account the lighting are determined. Existing methods of high-precision texture overlay are characterized by significant computational complexity, which significantly affects the time of formation of graphic images. Therefore, the issues of increasing the productivity of texturing methods and tools are relevant.
It is possible to reduce the number of division operations during texturing by rasterizing the object in the world coordinate system, provided that the rasterization lines at each stage are placed at a fixed distance from the observer.
Non-orthogonal in relation to the coordinate axes, the direction of rasterization will lead to artefacts - the presence of "perforations" and duplication of points due to the offset on the abscissa of the beginning of the rasterization lines. This can be avoided provided that the leading edge of the triangle is parallel to the y-axis, but this involves a special triangulation of the surface and does not meet the requirements of graphic standards. It is proposed to rasterize not a triangle, but a rectangle in which it is virtually inscribed. The structural scheme of the rasterization block is offered.
The analysis showed that for a triangle that includes T inner points, the division operations (T-q) are removed, where q is the number of horizontal rasterization rows of the triangle.
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