shading, rasterization, surface of the second order, color intensity, 3D modeling, Phong shading, Gourand shadingAbstract
Increasing the realism of the reproduction of graphic scenes involves not only increasing the level of detail of the surfaces of real-world objects, but also the use of more complex lighting models. This raises the question of improving the performance of graphics systems, especially in the formation of dynamic images in real time and interactively, when it is assumed that the trajectory of objects is not set in advance, but determined by user actions in interaction with the system. High-performance shading methods include the method of shading with the use of second-order surface to determine color intensities. This method involves the calculation of normalized vectors not for all, but only for a few points on the surface. New analytical dependencies for calculating the color intensity of a point on a rasterization row using color intensity of neighboring points are obtained. The obtained dependencies do not use long-term multiplication microoperations. A formula for computing color intensities at the endpoints of digital segments into which the rasterization string is divided is derived. Structural diagrams for determining color intensities are given. Comparative estimates of productivity increase are obtained. Obtained results can be used in high-performance three-dimensional graphics systems.
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