3D technologies, 3D printing, software, foundry pattern, pattern gasification, spherenes, Lost Foam CastingAbstract
Abstract. The introduction of 3D printing into foundry production makes it possible to produce metal castings, often with complex geometry, from digital drawings of foundry patterns, which would be difficult or impossible to produce by other methods. 3D printing is especially beneficial for metal casting by gasifying patterns (Lost Foam Casting, LFC process), which uses disposable foam polymer patterns that evaporate in a sand mold from the heat of the metal poured into the mold. In the manufacture and application of lightweight printed models for the LFC process, which in terms of volume weight and gas permeability are close to typical models made of polystyrene foam, it is proposed to implement the methods of constructing porous ventilated models and optimizing the process of gasification of printed materials with the help of new algorithms for the design of lightweight structures. These algorithms are integrated into existing 3D modeling software, including Rhinoceros. In the work, the recently created Spherene Inc. company was researched and tested. an algorithm for designing 3D-printed structures in relation to printing low-volume foundry patterns intended for the LFC process. This algorithm is an example of innovative introduction into the current program of 3D modeling of the achievements of applied mathematics in the field of the theory of three-dimensional periodic minimal surfaces. Our first examples of digital modeling of macro-porous foundry patterns for their printing confirmed the availability of using the algorithm from Spherene Inc. and the harmonious inclusion of pores or cavities of a sphere-derived configuration (which the company calls "spherenes") in their design, both with the possibility of maintaining their sufficient strength with a minimum mass of patterns, and for printing open (translational) pores of a given orientation for continuous ventilation and pumping out gases by vacuum of the foundry molds.
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