Circuit implementation and small-signal characteristics of specialized push pull balancing current amplifiers


  • Oleksii Dmytrovych Azarov VNTU
  • Volodymyr Anatoliiovych Harnaha VNTU


bi-directional reflector current, frequency response, power DC


The article proposes circuit implementation and functioning analysis of specialized push-pull DC amplifiers with balanced internal feedback with low-input and middle-input impedance. Analytical expressions are presented for estimating the levels of input impedance and transmission coefficients for proposed schemes of the push-pull DC amplifiers. The dynamic characteristics of the circuit obtained by computer simulation are given. The comparative analysis with the calculated values was done, also assessment of the effect of the input impedance bandwidth if the signal generator has a parasitic output capacitance was considered.

Author Biographies

Oleksii Dmytrovych Azarov, VNTU

Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologyand Computer Science, Doctor of Engineering

Volodymyr Anatoliiovych Harnaha, VNTU

Assistant professor of computer engineering


Abstract views: 380



How to Cite

O. D. Azarov and V. A. Harnaha, “Circuit implementation and small-signal characteristics of specialized push pull balancing current amplifiers”, ІТКІ, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 19–28, Feb. 2016.



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