unit code, coding efficiency, state coding, microprogram automatonAbstract
The paper analyzes the implementation properties of unit codes as alternatives to classical binary ones. The possibility of forming a logical-temporal code, which is a symbiosis of two known unit codes: a unit normal and a unit positional (marking) code, is shown. This allows you to provide accelerated principle of recording information and less energy-intensive while storing it. Analytical expressions for calculation of hardware and time expenses at concrete realization of unit data encoding on the shift register and the binary counter with the decoder are resulted. It is the lack of decryption of the generated data that requires increasing the number of connections in the schemes in times. The widespread use of FPGAs eliminates this problem with the compact placement of unit-coded devices in the FPGA chip. This makes it possible to use unit codes as an alternative to binary codes in data transmission, as well as in some types of control devices when encoding their states and in storage devices when addressing their contents. As an example, the efficiency of using unit codes for encoding the states of microprogram automata is shown, which is achieved by the low complexity of combinational circuits and the absence of the need to decode the code combinations of automaton states.
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