
  • Anzhelika Azarova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Dmytro Shchur Vinnytsia National Technical University



audiometric system, audio location, finite difference method, cross-correlation function, correlation, absolute angle, sound source, dispersion


The article discusses the process of building a system for finding the direction of a sound source using the finite difference method for processing digitized sound signal data. The finite difference method has been modified by using the cross-correlation function which simplifies the processing of the digitized signal due to the improvement of the calculation algorithm and the transition from the differential to the numerical format of the input data which significantly reduces the number of calculations and simplifies them. Statistical processing of the obtained results is proposed to reduce the error of finding the absolute angle to the software-generated sound source. The software was developed which enables the computer implementation of the audio location system based on the principles of object-oriented programming. It uses digitized signal data for calculations and modeling of the results of the algorithm. The program was created on the Windows OS platform in the Windows Studio environment in compliance with object-oriented programming paradigms. The use of the modified algorithm by the authors in the process of software implementation of the sound-metric system made it possible to analyze the operation of the method and develop receiver configurations that allow increasing the accuracy of the results. Experimental (laboratory) studies of the developed system under the condition of using a configuration justified by the authors and statistically processed data, made it possible to obtain results of searching the direction of the sound source with an error of less than 1o. The main scientific result of the conducted research is the improvement of data processing algorithms for audio-location search which, unlike existing approaches, allows to increase the accuracy of such a process based on the application of the mutual correlation function and its subsequent mathematical adjustment. The practical value of the obtained results is an easy adaptation of the sound-metric system developed and tested in laboratory conditions for operation in military field conditions.

Author Biographies

Anzhelika Azarova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD in technique, professor

Dmytro Shchur, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of 1CE-21m group, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering


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Abstract views: 174



How to Cite

A. Azarova and D. Shchur, “CONSTRUCTION OF THE AUTOMATED AUDIOLOCATION SYSTEM OF THREATS”, ІТКІ, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 5–12, Mar. 2023.



Information technology and coding theory



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