Aggregation optimum integrated systems "production-development"


  • Taisa Borovska Vinnytsia National Technical Uni
  • Iryna Kolesnyk Vinnytsia National Technical Uni
  • Viktor Severilov Vinnytsia National Technical Uni
  • Inna Shulhan Vinnytsia National Technical Uni


Production function, function development, optimal aggregation, binary operator, metod of the optimal aggregation


The problem of replacing an integrated system of "production - production development" equivalent element for optimal function "input - output". Optimality criterion - the increment rate of release, control variable - the input resource allocation between expenses of production and expenses for development - improve production efficiency and increase production capacity. Solution of this problem extends algebra optimal aggregation structures to systems with parametric links between elements. The practical significance of the development - efficient management of modern dynamic productions. Developed working models are examples of research

Production function, function development, optimal aggregation, binary operator, metod of the optimal aggregation.

Author Biographies

Taisa Borovska, Vinnytsia National Technical Uni

PhD., Assistant professor of KSU

Iryna Kolesnyk, Vinnytsia National Technical Uni

PhD., Assistant professor of OT

Viktor Severilov, Vinnytsia National Technical Uni

Ph.D., Assistent Professor

Inna Shulhan, Vinnytsia National Technical Uni

student cafes. KSU


Abstract views: 282

How to Cite

T. Borovska, I. Kolesnyk, V. Severilov, and I. Shulhan, “quot”;, ІТКІ, vol. 30, no. 2, Nov. 2014.



Information technology and coding theory



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