Monoimmittance logical R-unit "not"
logic gate, the segment of the transmission line, immittanceAbstract
Monoimmittance logic R- gate "NOT", which is based on the use of fuzzy immittance is proposed.Active immittance is used as an information parameter. The mathematical model of the monoimmittance logic R- gate "NOT" is designed, this R-gate "NOT" is realized in the form of quarter-wavelength transmission line. A truth table of the logical R-element "NOT" is received. We investigated the effect of parasitic factors on the transfer characteristic of monoimmittance logic gate which showed the greatest influence on the characteristics of the gate providing the signal frequency and parasitic reactanceХвх. It is recommended to use transmission line segment with the highest possible value, and select a value in the range.Downloads
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M. A. Filyniuk, L. B. Lishchynska, O. V. Voitsekhovska, and V. P. Stakhov, “quot”;, ІТКІ, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 71–76, Oct. 2015.
Computer systems and components