Моделювання інформаційно-технологічного супроводу інклюзивного навчання осіб з особливими потребами


  • Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Pasichnyk VNTU
  • Tetiana Valeriivna Shestakevych VNTU


inclusive education, IT support, education for persons with special needs, context-sensitive grammar


The article studies the specificity of inclusive education for persons with special needs. The steps of inclusive education using formal grammars is represented. The process of inclusive education consists of several functional stages and requires a significant amount of components,
which determines the appropriateness of the phased construction of formal grammar elements. The context in formal grammars allows submitting specifics of subsequent stages implementation depending on the results, obtained in the previous step. Possibility of taking into account context allows for adequate reflection and implementation of specific dependencies that arise during inclusive education. Methodological bases of formation of information technology support complex of inclusive education based on the developed formal model of inclusive education.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Pasichnyk, VNTU

д-р техн. наук, професор, професор кафедри інформаційних систем та мереж.

Tetiana Valeriivna Shestakevych, VNTU

асистент кафедри інформаційних систем та мереж.


Abstract views: 294



How to Cite

V. V. Pasichnyk and T. V. Shestakevych, “Моделювання інформаційно-технологічного супроводу інклюзивного навчання осіб з особливими потребами”, ІТКІ, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 58–65, Feb. 2016.



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