computer mathematics system, information and educational environment, 3D graph, volume of the figure, Maple.Abstract
Every year the number of works devoted to the search for methods and techniques for introducing computer mathematics systems for teaching higher mathematics is increasing. The main place among them is occupied by the Maple computer mathematics system, which is one of the leaders in universal systems and allows the user to use an intelligent environment for mathematical research. This paper emphasizes that the most valuable developments of a theoretical and applied nature on the use of computer mathematics systems in teaching higher mathematics should include materials related to improving visibility, as well as the formation of students' skills and abilities in solving typical problems of higher mathematics. The problems of introduction and adaptation of the Maple computer mathematics system in the educational process of the institu-tion of higher education in teaching the course of higher mathematics are considered. The use of the Maple computer mathematics system provides an oppor-tunity to optimize the educational process and activate the organization of students' independent work to consolidate the educa-tional material. The paper adapts the use of the Maple computer mathematics system graphics package capabilities to build 3D graphics in order to improve clarity in the tasks of calculating the volume of a spatial figure. Part of the mathematical apparatus and the developed code fragments in the Maple computer mathematics system make it possible to automatically obtain the line of intersection of graphs of functions, build the corresponding surfaces and figures when solving typical problems of higher mathematics. The paper substantiates the need to design educational problems of a new type, taking into account the need to use modern information and communication technologies for solving them, in particular Maple computer mathematics systems.
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