offshoring, IT services, IT companies, outsourcing, IT workers, export of high-tech services, FOP model, rating, statistics, mobility, factorsAbstract
On the basis of statistical data, a current analysis of the IT services market of Ukraine was conducted, which showed that there is a great potential for the development of this innovative field of activity in our country. Forecasting of the volumes of the IT market of Ukraine for 2022 was carried out, taking into account the conditions of the current state of war as a result of Russian aggression. The factors that have the greatest influence on the volume of the IT market have been identified. A positive trend in the volumes of the IT market in Ukraine in 2021-2022 is predicted, the main factors affecting the development of the high-tech services market are considered and analyzed. Factors that can have a positive effect on the faster advancement of the field of IT services are also formulated, which is especially important in the war and post-war times, since this is the only industry that almost did not suffer losses due to the high mobility of specialists and low capital intensity. In addition, the profits from the developed software products and services significantly exceed the costs. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematization of the scientific and practical basis of the development of the field of high-tech services in the context of global economic integration. The practical significance of the obtained results and conclusions can be seen in the use by domestic and other scientists, practitioners and state institutions of the materials of this article to analyze the development and competitiveness of high-tech services of Ukraine on the world market. The analysis of the factors forming the export potential of high-tech services of the national economies of leading countries is an extremely relevant scientific task for further research into the ways of development of outsourcing and IT services both in Ukraine and in the world, since they are closely interconnected.
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