transport network, simulation modeling, web applicationAbstract
Work is devoted the development of web-appendix for the imitation design of municipal travelling motion on crossing. As on this time a transport system dissatisfies on 100% of demand through the moral ramshackleness and existence of many factors that influence on her, and that it is difficult constantly to take into account a man, an actual task is automation of process of design of transport streams by software development on the basis of modern web technologies. The classes of primary and necessary data are in-process analyzed, boolean variables, classes of necessary functions. The program is worked out in programming of JavaScript language, experimental calculations are done. In the total it is worked out web-appendix, that simplifies research of transport areas due to an imitation design, that allows to perfect monitoring of the travelling crossing and promote them carrying capacity. web-appendix has a simple intuitively-clear interface and does verification of correctness of the entered data, that allows to work with him to the people with minimum skills and without the special knowledge. Software was worked out adaptive, that allows to work with him from any device that has the set web-browser. Due to development of one main file in programming of JavaScript language, him it easily to integrate and use in the prepared decisions on different languages both in web-additions and in programmatic provided, for example in C# or C++. It allows to inculcate the use of programmatic means with the minimum charges of money and time. Due to application of the worked out system of imitation design of travelling motion on crossing efficiency of functioning of the managed crossing will considerably increase with a traffic-light type adjusting
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