Rapid normalization of vectors for imaging high polygonal scenes


  • Mykola Demyanovych Obidnyk Vinnytsia National Technical University, (0432) 598243, Vinnytsia, str. Khmelnytsky Highway 95
  • Oleksandr Nykyforovych Romaniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University, (0432) 598243, Vinnytsia, str. Khmelnytsky Highway 95


computer graphics, normalization, approximation, diffuse color component


The new formula for rapid normalization of vectors of normal imaging highly detalized surfaces. Proved possible to calculate with sufficient accuracy unit vectors without normalization. Error by using the proposed formulas for determining the intensity of the diffuse component of the color.

Author Biographies

Mykola Demyanovych Obidnyk, Vinnytsia National Technical University, (0432) 598243, Vinnytsia, str. Khmelnytsky Highway 95

Postgraduate student of the Department of Software

Oleksandr Nykyforovych Romaniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University, (0432) 598243, Vinnytsia, str. Khmelnytsky Highway 95

d.t.s., prof., Vice-Chancellor


Abstract views: 298

How to Cite

M. D. Obidnyk and O. N. Romaniuk, “Rapid normalization of vectors for imaging high polygonal scenes”, ІТКІ, vol. 26, no. 1, Nov. 2013.



Mathematical modeling and computational methods



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