Comparative analysis of the complexity of decoding methods for turbo codes
protecting coding, turbo-code, a generalized structure for work with information, LLR, the Viterbi algorithm, SOVA, MAP, log-MAP, max-log-MAP, the complexity of decoding turbo-codesAbstract
Considered problems of turbo coding, promising for using in distributed computer systems of different functional purpose. Analysed SOVA, MAP, log-MAP and max-log-MAP algorithms. Completed the estimation complexity turbo-code decoding. Simulating the use of methods decoding turbo-codes for building hardware and software decoding signals in communication systems using the processing power of technical means and with research of probabilistic-energy characteristics.Downloads
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How to Cite
A. Y. Kulyk, S. H. Kryvohubenko, and Y. Y. Ivanov, “Comparative analysis of the complexity of decoding methods for turbo codes”, ІТКІ, vol. 26, no. 1, Nov. 2013.
Information technology and coding theory