Controlling device for level of liquid environment with circuit movement of ultra audible signal
ultrasonic tool control medium surface, a liquid gas, the process transmitter, a receiver, a signal measurement range erroAbstract
The paper describe the operation of the ultrasonic level controls, based on principle of the circular motion of the ultrasonic signal.One of the elements of such a ring is a liquid medium technological device. The ultrasonic signal passed the gaseous medium in one direction
only – from the liquid medium to the receiver.
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How to Cite
Y. I. Stentsel, K. A. Litvinov, A. V. Riabichenko, and O. I. Shapovalov, “Controlling device for level of liquid environment with circuit movement of ultra audible signal”, ІТКІ, vol. 29, no. 1, Jun. 2014.
Computer systems and components