
  • Liudmyla Savytska Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia
  • Tetiana Korobeinikova National university “Lvivska Politechnika”
  • Ihor Leontiev Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia
  • Serhii Bohomolov Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia



SDN network, SDN Semantic Model, network operating system interaction model and SDN, network model with flexible resources, computer network


Abstract. The work is dedicated to the analysis and improvement of methods and tools for building the architecture of software-defined networks (SDNs). A crucial aspect involves comparing the differences between network management using traditional methods and utilizing an SDN controller. Primary attention is given to the development of security models based on software-defined networks.The research is grounded in the analysis of specific cases involving the use of such networks, including gathering opinions and expert assessments from professionals in the field. It leverages publicly available information on methods and tools for securing the architecture of software-defined networks. SDN technology provides greater flexibility and speed in implementing security measures, allowing real-time responses to threats. In contemporary conditions, where cyber threats are becoming more complex and pronounced, SDN networks enable the detection of attacks, blocking malicious actions, and applying security policies in real-time. However, the increasing complexity of cyber threats and constant technological changes necessitate further development and enhancement of the information security of SDN network resources for companies. There is a need for further analysis and improvement of methods and tools for protecting information and other resources in computer-based SDN networks. The necessity for further analysis and improvement of methods and tools for protecting information and other resources in computer-based SDN networks serves as the foundation for this research. As a result, an enhancement in the level of information security for SDN network resources has been achieved by: 1) reducing the intervention time in the network; 2) applying an improved method of traffic processing based on network security of packet flows, allowing desired network applications to efficiently manage forwarding.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Savytska , Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia

PhD, associate professor of computing engineering department, Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsya

Tetiana Korobeinikova , National university “Lvivska Politechnika”

PhD, associate professor of information technology security department, National university “Lvivska Politechnika”

Ihor Leontiev , Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia

magister of computing engineering department, Vinnytsya national technical university, department of the computer engineering, Vinnytsy

Serhii Bohomolov , Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsia

PhD, associate professor of computing engineering department, Vinnytsya national technical university, Vinnytsya


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Abstract views: 200



How to Cite

L. . Savytska, T. . Korobeinikova, I. . Leontiev, and S. . Bohomolov, “METHODS AND MEANS OF PROTECTING RESOURCES IN COMPUTER SDN NETWORK”, ІТКІ, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 41–52, Dec. 2023.



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