Modelling of decision making process about the partition of network load in the multi criteria conditions


  • Roman Naumovych Kvietnyi VNTU
  • Liudmyla Mykolaivna Melnyk VNTU
  • Volodymyr Yuriiovych Kotsiubynskyi VNTU


time series, prognostication, long memory, network, traffic


The article is devoted to the approach to model the decision-making process about the partition of network load in the multi criteria conditions, using time series with long memory. For this purpose system is developed on the basis of corresponding mathematical models. In addition authors showed its application on the real example and estimated efficiency of the developed approach.

Author Biographies

Roman Naumovych Kvietnyi, VNTU

Doctor of Technical Sciences, head of a chair of automatics and data-measuring engineering

Liudmyla Mykolaivna Melnyk, VNTU

PhD, associate professor of automatics and data-measuring engineering

Volodymyr Yuriiovych Kotsiubynskyi, VNTU

PhD, associate professor of automatics and data-measuring engineering


Abstract views: 314



How to Cite

R. N. Kvietnyi, L. M. Melnyk, and V. Y. Kotsiubynskyi, “Modelling of decision making process about the partition of network load in the multi criteria conditions”, ІТКІ, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 89–93, Feb. 2016.



Mathematical modeling and computational methods



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