error-correcting coding, turbo-code, decoding, Jacobian logarithm, approximation, max-log-MAP, data transmission, hardware architecture, simulation, multimedia dataAbstract
The speed and reliability of the transmitted data is constantly increasing. In order to increase the energy efficiency and reliability of the transmitted information almost in all modern digital systems is employed an error-correcting coding. The most notable achievement in the theory of error-correcting coding in recent years is a turbo-code. In this article are considered the issues, related to the modern turbocoding methods, promising for using in data transmission systems of different functional purposes. The mathematical apparatus of the suboptimal symbol-by-symbol turbo-decoding methodmax-log-MAP is presented and its hardware architecture is developed. During experimental researches the computational complexity of this decoding method was determined. The simulation of themax-log-MAP method for the turbo-code with different data block lengths and with different decoding iterations is shown, and the results of the multimedia data transmission are presented
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